
Introduction: Physical activity (PA) and health-related fitness (HRF) level are currently considered key factors in public health promotion, and as such, is healthcare workers need to be well because they are not only responsible for themselves, but of their clients as well. To determine the PA and HRF levels of healthcare workers in a tertiary hospital, disaggregated to age, sex, work assignments, and job tenure. Methods: A cross-sectional research design was utilized to assess healthcare employees from the administrative, medical, nursing, and paramedical cohorts. ALPHA-FIT Test Battery was used to determine PA levels and assess cardiorespiratory fitness, muscular strength, lower extremity power and strength, upper body muscle endurance, balance, and body composition. Results: A total of 282 participants were tested, with mean age 37.4 years, 62.54% females, 52.13% perceives average health status, and the following fitness scores (One-Legged Stance: 2.67/3; Figure-of-8 run: 2.45/3; Shoulder-neck mobility: 4.58/5; Modified push-up: 2.05/4; Hand grip strength: 2.5/5; Jump and Reach: 2.82/4; Dynamic sit-up: 2.62/3; Six-minute walk test: 475.38 meters distance covered). Physical activity levels of HCWs are generally light (at least once a week). There were no significant differences in PA and HRF levels across cohorts. The results show significant inverse correlation between balance and shoulder-neck mobility and age. Discussion: Physical activity levels of HCW on average did not meet the World Health Organization’s recommended PA levels. Healthcare professionals who are expected to be well aware of benefits of PA and HRF have shown low to mid-fit levels of grip strength, upper extremity endurance, core strength, and cardiorespiratory endurance. Significance: Information on PA and HRF may aid in policy making on employee wellness such as appropriate workload and wellness facilities, which could highly impact health service delivery to the clients.

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