
Planar semiconductor microcavities have found increasing attention since they allow to enhance and control the interaction between light and excitons. When the coupling between photon and exciton is strong enough, polaritons are formed which are observed in a pronounced Rabi-splitting in the cavity spectra. The strong exciton-light coupling regime, necessesary for polariton-based applications depends on the oscillator strength and the exciton binding energy. The wide-gap II–VI (CdTe,ZnSe and CdSe) as well as the group III-nitrides (GaN,InN and AlN) semiconductors excellently fulfil these conditions. We observed a large Rabi-splitting (about 44 meV) with ZnSe-based semiconductor microcavities containing four strained (Zn,Cd)Se quantum wells and ZnS/YF3 distributed Bragg-reflectors. Measurements of the reflectivity and of the photoluminescence revealed clear evidence of the strong coupling regime. We also report on first experiments to optimise the structural and optical properties of (Al,Ga)N/GaN quantum wells. The results obtained so far show that these structures may be used for the investigation of polariton Rabi-splitting at room temperature. (© 2004 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)

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