
The spectroscopy and photochemistry of HI have been studied at excitation energies in the vicinity of H-atom Lyman–α (82259 cm−1) using the techniques of 1-photon vacuum UV photodissociation, resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) spectroscopy and photofragment ion imaging. REMPI spectra, recorded using UV photons in the energy range 27350–27750 cm−1, exhibit complicated structure in channels corresponding to H+, I+ and HI+ ion formation. The former two channels require absorption of a minimum of 5 UV photons, whereas HI+ X 2Π formation requires 4 UV photons. The spectral features are assigned to resonances at the 3-photon energy involving six states with Ω = 0 and one state with Ω = 3. Ion images recorded in the same range of UV frequencies exhibit multiple velocity components for the H+ ionic fragment, and the excitation energy dependences of the ring radii reveal two mechanisms for H+ formation. The first route is 3 + 1 photon excitation to super-excited Rydberg states of neutral HI with [A 2Σ+] cores that autoionize to high vibrational levels (+15) of HI+ (X 2Π); subsequent 1-photon photolysis of these vibrationally excited ions makes H+. The second route is dissociation of 4-photon excited HI to H(n = 2) + I(2P3/2), followed by 1-photon ionization of the H(n = 2) atoms. Vacuum UV photolysis of HI at 121.6 nm combined with H-Rydberg atom photofragment translational spectroscopy reveals dissociation ia four different channels: H(n = 1) atoms are formed in association with I(5p5, 2P3/2), I(5p5, 2P1/2), I(5p4 6s1, 4P5/2) and I(5p4 6s1, 2P3/2). Anisotropy parameters for all these channels are positive but non-limiting, and photolysis propensities show a marked dependence on the initial rotational state of the HI. These observations are discussed in terms of excitation to predissociated Rydberg or ion-pair states identified in the REMPI spectra. A previously unreported Ω = 3 Rydberg state is identified ia HI+ formation following multiphoton absorption resonant at the 2 UV + 1 visible photon energy. A band with origin at 68326.18(73) cm−1, is assigned to excitation to the ′ = 0 level of a 3Δ3 state composed of a Rydberg dπ electron orbiting an HI+ X 2Π3/2 core.

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