
On the basis of philosophical and psychological and pedagogical analysis of the concept of communicative culture, its essence as a personal characteristic of specialists of socionic professions is determined in the article.The philosophical meaning of the concept "communicative culture" lies in the specific manifestation of social culture, characterized by the "human dimension" of social and interpersonal relations and aimed at enriching individuals by means of information exchange, the mutual transfer of knowledge, the dissemination of positive experiences of joint life. At the same time, communicative culture involves expanding the boundaries of communicative activities, introducing meaningful principles of mutual understanding of people in society, measures and standards of forms of their communicative interaction. The psychological and pedagogical content of communicative culture is determined by personal factors and consists of the ability of a person to reconcile and correlate his actions with others, the selection of arguments, understanding and respectful attitude to the views of others, which ensures the regulation of relationships in achieving the common goal of activity; as well as in readiness for tactful communicative interaction and reflection in communicative activity.As a component of the professional culture of specialists in socionic professions, communicative culture is a personal and professional value and is characterized by a focus on another subject of the communicative process, the ability of each partner to create psychological conditions that will promote manifestation at the optimal level of their intellectual-volitional and moral-ethical potential. The communicative culture reflects a degree of social activity of the individual, the social significance of the norms of his behavior, the use of appropriate means of communicative activity. Instead, communicative culture belongs to social communication and is determined by the prevailing norms and ways of fixing, preservation and dissemination of cultural content in society.In the context of our research, the communicative culture of specialists in socionic professions is regarded as an important quality that promotes the implementation of their professional competence, and in today's market relations determines the level of success and effectiveness of the social sphere. In view of this, we consider its formation as one of the priority tasks of their professional training.

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