
The experimental article highlights the essence of the emotional culture of students of higher education in the specialty 024 Choreography, indicators of the formation of its emotional component (emotional-aesthetic sensitivity, ability to aesthetic pleasure, the aesthetic emotional orientation of the personality), diagnostic methods (test questionnaire B. Dodonov “Emotional Orientation,” questionnaire by B. Bass, questionnaire by M. Rokych, included observation, mini-work “My impressions”) and its results. The levels of formation of the emotional component of the aesthetic culture of future choreographers in the experimental (EG) and control groups (CG) have been determined: a high level was demonstrated by 11.43% of the EG students and 14.71% of the CG; average – 22.86% and 23.53%, respectively; low – 65.71% and 61.76%). The rating of the emotional orientation of the personality in future choreographers is presented, such as praxic, gloristic, hedonistic, communicative, pugnacious, aesthetic, romantic, altruistic, acquisitive, and gnostic. The spaces of emotional preferences of students have been analyzed. It has made it possible to draw up a strategy for the formation of future choreographers’ aesthetic culture in a higher education institution: 1) students of higher education have a rich emotional sphere as a basis for the formation of the studied professional and personal quality in them; 2) aesthetic emotions have an intermediate character in the hierarchy of students’ emotional values, therefore, under favorable conditions of their aesthetic development, they can acquire a higher status, which corresponds to representatives of artistic professions; 3) the dominance in the sample of the practical and gloristic orientation of the personality aims at the application of active methods and techniques, pedagogical support technology based on the student-centered approach in experimental work.

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