
The article describes the peculiarities of applying a systematic approach to the training of future philologists in universities. The research goal is to clarify the methodological features of a systematic approach to the philologist training in a modern university. The research methods are the scientific analysis, systematization, classification, modeling. Results. The main factors determining the need for a systematic approach have been identified (the common sociocultural processes in the language environment of many countries lead to linguistic unification (formerly English-speaking) and to preservation of their linguistic identity as the basis for national identity; the increase of the level of individual mobility, in the field of education including, development of polylingual, bilingual and multicultural links in education; new challenges and risks in the area of professional training related to the digitalization and dissemination of online education models in the context of global pandemics and the distance education segment expansion). Moreover, basing on the analysis of scientific sources (methodological bases for the training of philologists; contents and basic models of the training of these specialists; ICT as a systematic resource for the training of philologists), the opinion about the necessity of application of pedagogical systemology to the professional training of students-philologists in university conditions is substantiated. The analysis of the pedagogical and linguistic segments of systemology made it possible to identify the leading systemic characteristics of the training of philologists at the university (essence, composition, structure, functions, history of the system) and to investigate the manifestation of the systemic characteristics of the studied phenomenon in the conditions of the university environment as a systemic object. It is noted that the training of future philologists at the university as a system is synergistic; the professional training of philologists at the university as a system object is characterized as a complex open dynamic purposeful system with characteristics of continuous self-organization. Conclusions. It was concluded that the training of philologists as a complex system involves a certain number of structural components (content, human resources, information, technological resources) for its functioning; the system is open-ended (to other pedagogical systems) in its nature, complementarity and interconnection with the scientific and technological systems implemented in other areas of training. It has been proved that the systematic characteristics of the training of specialists in the field of philology are provided by the specific guidelines for the establishment, operation and development of this system; the objectives of the above-mentioned specialists’ training determine its content and end result, that is a competent specialist in his or her professional field and qualified in the professional activity, capable of self-education and self-development.


  • The research goal is to clarify the methodological features of a systematic approach to the philologist training in a modern university

  • The main factors determining the need for a systematic approach have been identified (the common sociocultural processes in the language environment of many countries lead to linguistic unification and to preservation of their linguistic identity as the basis for national identity; the increase of the level of individual mobility, in the field of education including, development of polylingual, bilingual and multicultural links in education; new challenges and risks in the area of professional training related to the digitalization and dissemination of online education models in the context of global pandemics and the distance education segment expansion)

  • It is noted that the training of future philologists at the university as a system is synergistic; the professional training of philologists at the university as a system object is characterized as a complex open dynamic purposeful system with characteristics of continuous self-organization

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Професійна підготовка філологів в університеті в світлі системного підходу

Віта Петрівна Боса кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри романської філології та порівняльно-типологічного мовознавства, Київського університету імені Бориса Грінченка вул. Дата надходження статті: 28 вересня 2020 р. Стаття прийнята до друку: 22 листопада 2020 р

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