
Relevance. In the modern world, which is characterised by the development of technology, globalisation, and cultural integration, the issue of the development of a linguistic identity, which is the basis of cultural, social, and intellectual development of a person, is of particular importance.Purpose. The purpose of the study is to analyse the features and significance of the linguistic identity in the learning process, considering the connection between the cultural component and the language.Methodology. To achieve research goals, the following methods were used: hypothetical and deductive, survey, and comparative.Results. The results of the study have determined that teaching with an emphasis on the development of a linguistic identity is based on the integration of linguistic and cultural aspects of language. This allows students not only to assimilate grammatical and lexical structures, but also to understand the cultural and sociolinguistic features of the language community. The survey of students found that most of the respondents attach special importance to the terms �linguistic identity� and �linguistic worldview�, understanding their significant contribution to a comprehensive language education that can meet the needs and challenges of a globalised world. In turn, the teacher occupies an important place in the development of a linguistic identity, actively using individual and cultural aspects of the educational process. The analysis of the teacher's role in the development of a linguistic identity in the learning process shows that there is a special connection between culture and language, causing the development of critical abilities that make students active participants in a multicultural society.Conclusions. The practical significance lies in the use of the findings by researchers who study the mechanisms, aspects, and features of the development of a linguistic identity in the learning process, and specialists in the field of philology and linguistics.

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