
Consideration of the integrative-axiological approach as a methodological basis and its ascertainment in the logic of project culture formation determines the possibility and expediency of its application in the context of systemic, multi-subject, personal-activity, cultural approaches.The most important condition for the implementation of the integrative and axiological approach is the personal orientation of the pedagogical process, which allows considering the pupil and the teacher as its equal components, and the content of education as a generalized culture intended for the formation of norms, values, interests of the individual, which contribute to its formation. Following this approach, the process of project culture formation is interpreted and implemented as co-creation.Modern trends in the field of education require a rethinking of the main approaches to the organization of the educational process, provide for the transformation of processes related to personality development. This, in turn, determines the necessity active involvement of student youth in project activities. Project activities contribute to the search for optimal ways, systematic and consistent solving of problems, in particular life problems. It is the implementation of projects in both educational and future professional activities that ensures the development of critical thinking, creativity, independence and requires the proper level of project culture formation. Thus, in the context of modern approaches, the design activity of specialists in various fields, and, therefore, the formation of their project cultures.It has been established that the teacher's project culture, as the most important component of a new type of pedagogical professionalism, is the fundamental basis for theoretical modeling, conceptualization, technologization and practical-project activities in the emerging new reality of education.The formation of project culture among students is facilitated by the provision of psychological-pedagogical, organizational-pedagogical and technological conditions in the educational process. Evaluation of the effectiveness of formative work is carried out on the basis of the dynamics of the levels of formation of the studied phenomenon.

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