
Sahadevi ( Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less. (Family Asteracea e ) commonly known as Purple Fl eabane in English, Sahadei in Hindi and Poovankurunthila in Malayalam, is an erect annual branched herb with pubescent cylindric stem found as a weed throughout India. The present pa per highlights the pharmacognostical and phytochemical characters of the p lant to give standards for identification of the drug. Microscopic evaluation of root, stem and leaf as well powder microscopy of the plant were carried out . Physicochemical parameters like moisture content, total ash, acid insoluble ash, water soluble ash , water soluble extractive and alcohol soluble extractive were studied . Preliminary phytochemical analysis of the plant Vernonia cinerea (L.) Less showed the presence of steroid, flavonoid , glycoside, tannin, phenol, terpenoid and resin. The present study signifies the use of TLC and HPTLC fingerprint profiles for determining the identity, purity of the drug and also for developing standards.

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