
Introduction : Taila Kalpana (Medicated oil) is one among the Sneha Kalpana which is fundamental in both preventive and curative therapeutics of Ayurveda. Vibhitakadi taila is one such taila mentioned in classics in the context of Timira (Refractive errors and Cataract). It is the need of the hour to explore such classical ayurvedic references in a scientific way. Ingredients and method of preparation reveals Vibhitakadi Taila as safe, effective and easy to prepare formulation. Hence the present work pharmaceutico-analytical study on Vibhitakadi Taila is undertaken. Aim and Objective : The main aim of the study is to prepare Vibhitakadi Taila as per the classical reference and physico-chemical analysis of the same. Materials and methods : Tila Taila Murchana was done initially to enhance its qualities as it is further used as a base oil for Vibhitakadi Taila. A comprehensive physicochemical analysis of Vibhitakadi Taila was done. Results : Specific gravity, Density, Refractive index, Viscosity, Acid value, Iodine value, Saponification value, Peroxide value, Rancidity and Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) were found to be well within the normal range. Discussion and Conclusion : Adverse events and drug interactions can result in serious harm to patients and can also lead to increased healthcare costs. The present study asserts that Vibhitakadi taila is safe for therapeutic use which is substantial in the treatment of visual impairment.

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