
Pandu roga is elaborately discussed in various Ayurvedic Classics. Based on the clinical manifestations, it can be closely correlated with Iron deficiency Anaemia. It is a condition in which the number of red blood cells or Haemoglobin concentration within them is lower than normal. Various causes may lead to these conditions- poor dietary intake , chronic blood loss, chronic illness, excessive indulgence in substances which hampers Iron absorption like tea, coffee etc. In Modern medical science it is treated with iron rich diet and iron supplements which is mostly associated with certain side effects like Gastric irritation, constipation, hypersensitivity reactions to drugs etc. Materials & Methods- Three medicines Punarnava Mandur, Arogyavardhini vati and Kumariasava were selected to treat a patient of pandu roga. Case Report - A 36-year female patient came with complaints of weakness, anorexia, bodyache, paleness of skin, leg cramps and haemoglobin level of 7.8gm/dl. She was relieved from the symptoms and a raise in haemoglobin level (11.2gm/dl) after treatment. She was treated for 2 months with a two follow, ups one after 15 days and another after 40days. Discussion- Pandu roga can be effectively managed by Ayurvedic haematinic drugs, which are palatable, economically feasible and does not affect the feeling of well-being of the patient. In this study, the follow ups showed gradual improvement in the condition. Conclusion- Ayurvedic medicines have great potential in treating deficiency conditions as established in the study.

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