
Among pregnant women and young children, nutritional iron deficiency anaemia is a worldwide public health concern and the leading cause of anaemia. Iron deficiency anaemia is often caused by blood loss or mal-absorption. Iron deficiency anaemia and Pandu Roga are very similar clinical entities. Pitta Pradhan Vyadhi is Pandu Roga. The vitiated Doshas in Pandu Roga cause a disruption in tissue metabolism, which results in Dhatu-Shathilya in all of Dhatu. Paleness is the dominant colour across the body. The Rasavaha and Raktavaha Srotasas play a significant role in the development of Pandu. In this case study, we see a 22-year-old female patient with iron deficiency anaemia who, after a month of treatment with Ayurvedic formulations in the Pandu Roga line of treatment and iron-rich dietary supplements, experienced a dramatic improvement in her symptoms (less swelling, no pallor, increased energy, decreased palpitation, and hair loss of 10 strands per day) and an increase in her haemoglobin level (from 8.6g/dl to 12.7g/dl) at a very rapid pace. The Samprapti of Pandu Roga may be broken with the aid of the formulas. Iron deficiency anaemia (Pandu) may be effectively treated with Ayurvedic medication.

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