
The article is devoted to the problems of production of isotropic coke. Despite the wide variety of produced structural graphite types locally produced and produced by foreign firms, research into the creation of new high-density and high-strength graphite has not lost its relevance, and continues to develop intensively due to the growing demand and operational requirements for these materials. Traditionally in Russia, structural graphite were produced on the basis of petroleum pyrolysis coke of the brand KNPS according to GOST 22898-78 with a pseudo-isotropic structure. At present, the production of petroleum pyrolysis cokes and materials on their basis is lay-off. Raw materials locally produced analysis base for carbon raw materials (in particular for isotropic coke and pitches) indicates a virtually complete lack of sustainable providing with quality raw materials of consumers. Solution of organizing high-quality carbon raw materials industrial production task may lead to the decline of the country's carbon industry. The closure of the brand KNPS coke output is the reason to the search for new technologies for the production of structural graphite based on petroleum raw materials. Heavy pyrolysis oil has great interest as a potential raw material for the various carbon structural materials production, it consists of a large number of aromatic compounds and practically does not contain sulfur. There is comparing the heavy pyrolysis resins characteristics used as raw materials for producing isotropic coke. The aromatic hydrocarbons and carbohydrate particles in heavy pyrolysis influence pitches on the coking products structure is described. The rapid introduction of scientific achievements and best practices will contribute to the coke enterprises development.

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