
Przedstawiono charakterystyke wlasności Iitologiczno-surowcowych kenozoicinych osadow okruchowych, ilastych i weglanowych poludniowej cześci wojewodztwa zamojskiego. Oceniono stan rozpoznania i wykorzystania zloz oraz perspektywy rozwoju bazy zasobowej. Wskazano rejony perspektywiczne dla poszukiwan zloz piaskow dla budownictwa i przemyslu materialow budowlanych oraz surowcow ilastych dla przemyslu ceramiki budowlanej i ceramicznych kruszyw lekkich, a takze podano sugestie dotyczące ukierunkowania badan surowcowych i przyszlego wykorzystania zloz. RAW MATERIAL BASIS IN THE SOUTHERN ZAMOŚC REGION AND POSSIBILITIES OF ITS DEVELOPMENT The southern part of the Zamośc region, situated within the area of the Carpathian Foredeep, is perspective from the point of view of development of resource basis of rock raw materials for building and building industry. This is especially the case of sand and clay materials, the deposits of which are known to be widely distributed here (Figs. 1, 2). Up to the present,7 deposits were recognized here (see Table I for their resources and the present use) whereas quality and resources of building sand deposits still require surveying. Carbonate raw materials are here represented by limestones and sandy biodetrital limestones (see Table 2). They are used for production of aggregates for road and railway building and in local building. The group of natural aggregate deposits comprises Tertiary quartz sands (Fig. 3) and Quaternary river (Fig. 4), fluvioglacial (Fig. 5), dune (Fig. 6) and glacial (Fig. 7) sands. Miocene sands are fine- to medium-grained, highly uniform in mineral composition (over 99% of quartz). Quaternary sands are more diversified in mineral composition (Table 3). They are usually fine-grained and not much varying in granulation, except for fluvial and glacial sands which sometimes yield an admixture of gravel-size grains (Figs. 4, 7). Marine, river, fluvioglacial and dune sands occurring in that region may be used for production of silicate bricks and chambered concrete and in building industry. Their use in building industry is, however, impeded by too fine and uniform granulation. Miocene sands may be also used for production of moulding sands and filters. Clay raw materials of economic value include clay-silts, known as Krakowiec Clays (Miocene - Lower Sarmatien), occurring under Quaternary cover throughout the major part of that region (Fig. 2). The are characterized by low differentiation in chemical composition (Fig. 4) and good technological properties (Fig. 8, Table 5), which makes them suitable for automatized production of building ceramics and in light aggregate industry. At present, they are used for production of ordinary full bricks and Gothic bricks (in Tarnogrod and Markowicze brickyards, respectively). The perspectives of finding new deposits of sands and clays are fairly high in that region. Resources of sands in several perspective areas (Fig. 1) are estimated at 96 m. m 3 and those of clays and clay silts (Krakowiec Clays) - at 2,005 m. m 3 . It follows that a new center of exploitation and processing of mineral raw materials and production of building materials may be created here.

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