
The article presents the results of experimental research on the search, study and use of qualitatively new traits of varieties and lines of sweet pepper that can complement the existing assortment of crops and ensure the import substitution of foreign varieties and hybrids in domestic vegetable seed production.The purpose of the work. The aim of the research was to create new competitive varieties of sweet pepper to expand the range of crops in the framework of the development of domestic seed production.Methods. Scientific breeding work on the research topic was carried out by the Department of Breeding and Seed Production of the VNIIOOB-branch of the Federal State Budget Scientific Institution "PAFSC RAS" in 2020-2022 as part of the implementation of the State task on the experimental field of the Institute (Kamyzyak, Astrakhan region) according to generally accepted methods. In the experiments, the zonal agrotechnology of crop cultivation, recommended for irrigated agriculture in the Lower Volga region, was used. The objects of research were 7 promising samples of sweet pepper. The zoned varieties of sweet pepper "Gift of Moldova" and "Gift of the Caspian" were used as a standard.Results. The article presents the results of a study of economically valuable qualities and traits of breeding lines and new varieties of sweet pepper "Zarnitsa" and "Prince Caspian" VNIIOOB breeding. The sweet pepper variety Zarnitsa was created and entered in 2023 in the State Register of Breeding Achievements Approved for Use in the Russian Federation. Mid-season (118-120 days), characterized by early and amicable setting and ripening of fruits of an even, cone-shaped shape with a light green color in the technical and red in the biological phase of ripening. The average fruit weight is 150-160 g, fruit wall thickness is 0.5-0.6 cm, fruit yield is 55-60 t/ha, marketability is up to 93%. The sweet pepper variety Prince Caspian was created and submitted for state variety testing in 2022. Mid-season (120-125 days), prism-shaped fruits with green color in technical and red color in biological maturity. The average fruit weight is 175-180 g, the average fruit wall thickness is 0.7 cm, the average yield is 52-53 t/ha, the fruit marketability is up to 95%. As a result of the research, a promising breeding line SL - 154/20 with large cube-shaped fruits weighing 184 g and a wall thickness of up to 0.8 cm has been identified. Recommended for fresh consumption, canning and home cooking.Conclusion. The introduction of new varieties of sweet pepper into production will contribute to import substitution and food independence of the state.

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