
Abstract : This article describes the development of the enactment of family law in Indonesia so that it reaches its existence, with the approach of the political theory of Islamic law. This article uses a literature study method, with a historical approach, primary and secondary data obtained from books, articles, and other scientific works. The results showed that; the theories used in the politics of family law are Formalistic-Legalistic, Structuralistic, Culturalistic, Culturalistic, Substantialistic. as for the theory of Islamic law enforcement generally there are five; credo, receptio in complexu, receptie, recepti exit, receptie a contrario. As for some methods used in the reform of Islamic family law Intra-doctrinal Reform, Extra-doctrinal Reform, Regulatory Reform, Codification. As for the principle of the renewal method used in codifying contemporary Islamic law there are five (5), namely: (1) takhayyur, (2) talfiq, (3) takhshish al-qadla, (4) siyasah shariyah, and (5) reinterpretation of nash.Abstrak :Artikel ini mendeskripsikan terkait perkembangan berlakunya hukum keluarga di Indonesia sehingga mencapai pada eksisnya, dengan pendekatan teori politik hukum Islam. Artikel ini menggunakan metode studi pustaka, dengan pendekatan historical approach, data primer dan sekunder didapatkan dari buku, artikel, dan karya ilmiah lainya. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa; teori yang digunakan dalam politik hukum keluarga yakni Formalistik-Legalistik, Strukturalistik, Kulturalistik , Kulturalistik , Subtansialistik. adapun teori pemberlakuan hukum Islam umumnya ada lima; kredo, receptio in complexu, receptie, recepti exit, receptie a contrario. Adapun beberapa metode yang digunakan dalam pembaharuan hukum keluarga Islam Intra-doctrinal Reform, Extra-doctrinal Reform, Regulatory Reform, Codification. Adapun dalam pada prinsifnya prinsipnya metode pembaruan yang digunakan dalam melakukan kodifikasi hukum Islam kontemporer ada lima (5), yakni: (1) takhayyur, (2) talfiq, (3) takhshish al-qadla, (4) siyasah syariyah, dan (5) reinterpretasi nash.

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