
The study was conducted in Fentale and Boset districts, East Shoa Zone, Oromia Region, Ethiopia. The objective of this study was to identify morph metric variation between cattle breeds of Arsi, Kereyu and their crossbred, and to evaluate adaptive, productive (milk yield) and reproductive performance of these cattle breeds, and their crossbred in the mid rift valley of Oromia Region. Three PA’s from each district, a total of Six PA (Huluka, Kawa, Barchota, Benti, Kobo and Dakaedu) were selected purposively. Respondents’ were identified using purposive sampling technique. Kereyu, Arsi and crossbred cattle of the two were reared for, milk production, risk aversion and source of income. The major production constraints identified were feed shortage, water scarcity, disease and coverage of grazing land by invasive plants. Arsi cattle’s have long age at first mating (3.87±.17), age at first calving (4.66±0.2) and calving interval (1.50±0.125) than Kereyu (3.78±0.23, 4.52±0.25, 1.39±0.19) and crossbred (3.86±0.11, 4.64±0.12, 1.49±0.14) in both study location while the crossbred cattle have medium Values respectively. Arsi cattle have short Lactation length than kereyu and Crossbred (6.36, 7.51, 7.11months for Arsi, kereyu and crossbred respectively also similar for daily milk yield (1.26, 1.71 and 1.43). The farmers in the two district prefer Kereyu breed due to their ability to tolerate drought, disease and highly adaptable to the area where as Arsi breed of cattle was susceptible to feed shortage, water scarcity and disease than other breed in the area. This study revealed that the Arsi community in the study area prefers to mate breeding female of Arsi with bull of Kereyu breed.

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