
PT. Sungaiberkat Serani Sukses is one of the companies which concentrate or move in the industrial field agriculture especially processing equipment for agriculture machinery which made from main metal plat. One of the biggest problems faced by the company related to human resource performance is have not implemented the measurement of human resource performance yet. Problems like this can be solved by measuring the performance of human resources whose results can be used as a reference in determining improvement strategies. Measurement of human resource performance for PT. Sungaiberkat Serani Sukses was designed using the Human Resources Scorecard method and weighted on each Key Performance Indicator using the Analytical Hierarchy Process’s method and consists of 4 perspectives there is a perspective of the financial, a perspective of the customer, perspective of internal business, and perspective of learning and growth. Therefore, Human Resource Scorecard (HRSC) by describing vision and mission into action human resources produced 11 key performance indicator with scoring system OMAX and analyzed by Traffic Light System. There is 4 indicators should be fixed by the company that is employee productivity, giving a bonus, improve OHP, and recruitment workers effective.

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