This study explores the perceptions, effectiveness, and ethical implications of AI tools in academic writing among PhD scholars in India. It evaluates the comparative effectiveness of AI tools versus traditional methods for paraphrasing, plagiarism detection, and citation improvement. The research also investigates user confidence in AI tools’ adaptability to various academic disciplines and their potential to support critical thinking and academic integrity. A structured quantitative approach was employed, utilizing validated surveys with 184 respondents from the University of Mumbai. Findings indicate that while AI tools enhance clarity, flow, and efficiency, they raise concerns about over-reliance, originality, and ethical transparency. Advanced-year scholars valued citation improvements but were critical of originality-related functions. The study emphasizes responsible AI use, advocating for its role as a complementary, supportive tool to foster creativity and intellectual rigor. These findings contribute to the ongoing discourse on integrating AI responsibly into academic practices.
Published Version
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