
Mobile Wallet(M-Wallet) is a type of payment service by which individuals can send and receive money through mobile devices. It is a type of e-commerce created for the mobile devices for the ease accessibility. M-wallet is also identified as Digital wallet or e-Wallet. This study seeks to find out the relationship among Perceived usefulness (PU), Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Attitude Towards Use (ATU) and Behavioural Intension to Use (BINT) among the M-Wallet users and to study the mediating role of Attitude towards use have been used to evaluate mobile wallet adoption and acceptance in rural areas of India. The research was empirically tested by data collected from 450 prospective mobile wallet users, through online and offline survey. Data were analysed using SPSS and structural equation modelling (SEM) technique. The results found that there is a strong relationship and impact on Behavioural Intension to Use by the independent variables. Finally, the researchers have provided suggestions and recommendations for future research.

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