
Majāz mursal or synecdoche is one of the components of Arabic rhetoric which is categorized as al-Majāz. The implicit meaning of synecdoche cannot be interpreted according to the sentence structure based on the words used because there is an expansion of the sense. A word-by-word transfer is often one of the problems in transferring meaning from the source language into the target language. Therefore, this study aims to compare the strategies used by the Restu Foundation and al-Hidayah House of Quran in translating synecdoche in Quranic discourse to see the equivalence of the actual meaning found in the Quran with the target text. This study is a study of literature review and the type of qualitative research as it adopts the method of text content analysis and purpose-based sampling techniques. This study uses al-Burhān fī ‘Ulūm al-Qurān (2001) and al-Itqān fī ‘Ulūm al-Qurān (2003) as a source of data. Analysis of translation data for two (2) chosen corpus is based on explicit concepts introduced by Vinay and Darbelnet (1995) and the standard transfer operation of explicit proposed by Klaudy and Károly (2005). This study found that 13 out of 48 synecdoche translation data differed in translation approach. Similarly, the use of a word-by-word approach causes no sense of meaning to the source text. Therefore, the approach should be avoided as Arabic and Malay have different language use. In order to achieve compatibility in the translation, the implicit meanings found in the Quranic synecdoche must be presented in the target text.

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