
So far the service system in Nagari Preparation Bandua Balai, West Pasaman Regency has not been effective so that there is an overlap between the community and the nagari government, because the service system is not in accordance with the needs and expectations of the community in general. The aims of this study are: 1) To find out how the role of the nagari government in improving community services in the preparatory village of Bandua Balai, West Pasaman Regency; 2) To find out what obstacles are faced by the nagari government in improving community services in the preparatory village of Bandua Balai, West Pasaman Regency; 3) To find out the efforts to overcome the obstacles faced by the nagari government in improving community services in the preparatory village of Bandua Balai, West Pasaman Regency?. This type of research is qualitative research. According to Hajar (2016:3) qualitative research aims to gain a general understanding of social reality from the participant's perspective. This understanding is not determined in advance but is obtained after analyzing the social reality that is the focus of the research. The informants in this study consisted of key informants (key informants) and supporting informants (second informants). The key informants of this research are: 1 Walinagari in Bandua Balai and 4 employees at the Nagari office in Bandua Balai. Meanwhile, non-key informants: people who are considered to know the problem, namely 2 community leaders and 3 community members. The types of data are primary data and secondary data collected through interviews, observations, and library research. The analysis technique used is qualitative analysis. The results of the study found that in Nagari Preparations, Bandua Balai, West Pasaman Regency, sometimes there was overlap, even unpleasant issues that occurred in the community regarding the policies and regulations of the nagari government, even in this village there was also very little in the achievement of participatory development. whether it's attendance in forums, distribution of ideas or ideas for determining development, to the evaluation stage of government policies, related to problems or programs to be implemented, resulting in unsatisfactory services in carrying out development in Nagari Preparation of Bandua Balai, because of the lack of socializing government programs to the public.

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