
The author differentiates between a sociological-interactional (horizontal) axis and a psychological-motivational (vertical) axis in the group, and discusses the socio- and psychodynamics both of and in the group from each of these points of view. In group therapy, five phases are described: 1) exploratory contact; 2) regression; 3) catharsis; 4) insight; and 5) social learning. Group psychotherapy with large diagnostically heterogeneous groups in a hospital setting, small diagnostically homogeneous groups, and group discussions with patients' relatives are all described. In addition, attention is paid to experiential psychodynamic group process groups (analytic self-experience groups), which provide young psychotherapists with the opportunity to gain insight into both groups and the psychodynamics stimulated within this framework. The training of group therapists should include, after academic studies, clinical experience, individual psychotherapeutic training, an experiential group, cotherapy, group therapeutic work under expert supervision, and theoretical training.

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