
On November, 17, 2019, it was reported that the President Director of PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk. I Gusti Ngurah Askhara (Ari Askhara) got involved in the illegal Harley Davidson motorcycle parts and Brompton bikes found in the Garuda Indonesia aircraft. He was fired from the position. The case of the illegal spare parts by the Customs and Excise officers on the Airbus A330-900 Neo aircraft with the flight number GA 9721 on Sunday November, 17, 2019 is one more abuse of power among so many similar cases done by state officers. The case proves that an official power is vulnerable to corrupt. Abuse of power is as old as the age of human civilization. Abuse of power is an unlawful act done by a person or people in an official capacity. Abuse of power breaks the article 3 of the Indonesian Law No. 31 Year 1999 jo the Indonesian Law No. 20 Year 2001, that is “Anybody who with the intention to earn profit for himself or another person or a corporation, abuses the authority, opportunity or facilities given to him on account of his post or position which may cause loss to the state finance or state economy, shall be sentenced to life imprisonment or a minimum sentence of 1 (one) year and a maximum of 20 (twenty years) or a minimum fine of ..." It is a qualitative research methodology with observation and literary review to collect data. The research concludes that state administration officials should have professionally technical skills and morality to do their duties. If they do not have them, they might be fired in the perspective of administrative law and be sentenced to life imprisonment in the perspective of criminal law.


  • Penyalahgunaan wewenang jabatan bisa jadi sudah sama tuanya dengan peradaban manusia

  • Abuse of power is as old as the age of human civilization

  • Abuse of power is an unlawful act done by a person or people in an official capacity

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Penyalahgunaan wewenang dalam konsep hukum administrasi negara, selalu diparalelkan dengan konsep detournament de pouvoir dalam sistem hukum Prancis atau abuse of power/misuse of power dalam istilah bahasa Inggris.[12]. Dkk, Hukum Admnistrasi dan Good Governace, (Jakarta: Penerbit Universitas Trisakti, Cetakan Kedua, 2012), 21-22 13 Yulius, Perkembangan Pemikiran dan Pengaturan Penyalahgunaan Wewenang di Indonesia (Tinjauan Singkat Dari Perspektif Hukum Administrasi Negara Pasca Berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2014), Artikel dalam Jurnal Hukum dan Peradilan, Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Hukum dan Peradilan Mahkamah Agung RI, Volume 04 Nomor 3 November 2015. Asas spesialitas ini dahulu pernah diterapkan dalam hukum positif Indonesia, yaitu dalam Pasal 53 ayat (2) huruf b UU Nomor 5 Tahun 1986 tentang Peradilan Administrasi, berkenaan dengan alasan-alasan untuk mengajukan gugatan ke Peradilan Administrasi. Perluasan makna penyalahgunaan wewenang dalam Undang-Undang Administrasi Pemerintahan dan perdebatan yang menyertainya tidak boleh menghalangi keberlakuan norma penyalahgunaan wewenang dalam undang-undang dimaksud, karena sebagai undangundang yang dibentuk oleh lembaga yang berwenang yaitu legislatif, maka sesuai dengan asas legalitas undang-undang tersebut mengikat secara umum dan harus dilaksanakan serta tidak dapat disimpangi sebelum dicabut atau dibatalkan oleh lembaga negara yang berwenang.[25].

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