
Mitra pemasaran dalam sistem rantai pasok ikan nila di Provinsi Bengkulu berupaya memberikan layanan terbaik kepada konsumen. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi upaya tersebut, melalui pengkajian komprehensif terhadap kepuasaan pelaku usaha dalam sistem rantai pasok komoditas tersebut. Penelitian dilakukan di Kecamatan Padang Jaya, Kabupaten Bengkulu Utara, dengan pendekatan Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) yang dimodifikasi dan Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI), melibatkan 161 responden. Hasil menunjukkan sebagai berikut: (i) terdapat tiga saluran dalam rantai pasok ikan nila, (ii) mayoritas pelaku usaha merasakan ‘kurang puas’ terhadap pelayanan dari mitra pemasarannya, (iii) mitra pedagang antar kota memiliki persepsi ‘cukup puas’, (iv) aktor pemasok pakan perlu memperhatikan atribut resolusi konflik, bantuan kepada konsumen, fisik usaha dan layanan, (v) aktor petani ikan nila harus memberikan informasi tentang kondisi produk, kecepatan layanan dan transaksi, (vi) aktor pedagang pengumpul antar kecamatan harus mampu memberikan jaminan keamanan bertransaksi, dan jaminan standar layanan sama terhadap mitra usaha, (vii) pedagang pengumpul antar kota diharapkan memiliki emphaty yang tinggi terhadap pengecer, (vii) pengecer harus mampu memenuhi perbaikan kualitas, fisik, dan layanan usahanya. Implikasi kebijakan dari penelitian ini yaitu pemerintah daerah memberikan pelatihan usaha; penyuluh perikanan dapat melakukan sosialisasi mengenai pemasaran produk dan layanan cepat tanggap kepada petani ikan nila; pemerintah daerah melakukan pelatihan manajemen transaksi yang aman kepada pedagang pengumpul agar memiliki layanan penjualan yang baik; manajemen pemasaran; teknik penentuan harga jual dan meningkatan penjualan pada pedagang pengumpul; serta pemerintah melakukan pelatihan fasilitas layanan fisik dan teknologi kepada pedagang pengecer ikan nila agar memiliki layanan penjualan yang baik. Title: Improving the performance of the Tilapia Supply Chain System in Bengkulu Utara Regency, Bengkulu ProvinceMarketing partners in the tilapia supply chain system in Bengkulu Province strive to provide the best service to consumers. This research aims to evaluate these efforts, through a comprehensive assessment of the satisfaction of business actors in the commodity supply chain system. The research was conducted in Padang Jaya District, Bengkulu tara Regency, using a modified Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) approach and Customer Satisfactifnorthon Index (CSI), involving 161 respondents. The results show the following: (i) there are three channels in the tilapia supply chain, (ii) the majority of business actors feel ‘less than satisfied’ with the service from their marketing partners, (iii) inter-city trading partners have the perception of being ‘quite satisfied’, (iv) feed supplier actors need to pay attention to the attributes of conflict resolution, assistance to consumers, physical business and services, (v) tilapia farmer actors must provide information about product conditions, speed of service and transactions, (vi) inter-district collector trader actors must be able to provide guarantees transaction security, and guarantee of the same service standards for business partners, (vii) inter-city collecting traders are expected to have high empathy for retailers, (vii) retailers must be able to fulfill improvements in quality, physical and business services. The policy implications of this research are that local governments provide business training; fisheries instructors can provide outreach regarding product marketing and responsive services to tilapia farmers; regional governments conduct safe transaction management training for collecting traders so that they have good sales services; marketing Management; techniques for determining selling prices and increasing sales to collecting traders; and the government provides training on physical and technological service facilities to tilapia fish retailers so that they have good sales services.

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