
Abstract:The aim of this study wanted to describe the steps educative
 collaborative supervision periodically in preparing lesson plans, implement
 lessons, assessing student achievement, conduct follow-up assessments student
 achievement that can improve the performance of teachers. This performance
 improvement through collaborative educative periodic supervision. This research
 was conducted on teachers SDN Lamongrejo 4 Ngimbang Lamongan totaling 10
 people. The design of the study is that the plot action research design: make a
 action plain, implementing the action, and reflection activities. The reflection is
 used as a guide for decision-making to continue or discontinue the study.
 Research conducted in the spiral cycles to the second cycle. The research data in
 the form of records of observations, field notes, documentation planning and
 supervision results. The main data collection instrument was a researcher, while
 the supporting instruments is the observation, documentation. Data were analyzed
 by qualitative and quantitative techniques. Based on the results of the action
 research can be concluded that the improved performance of teachers in
 preparing lesson plans, implement lessons, assessing student achievement,
 conduct follow-up assessments of student learning achievement. To that end, the
 researchers suggested that educative supervision in schools implement
 collaborative educative periodic supervision

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