Biology learning results of students in class XI have not shown optimal on material that discusses the physiological functions of human organs. From the observations obtained data that the teacher learning process using Student Worksheets prepared by the Subject Teachers' Consultation (MGMP), has not used the scientific approach. This has triggered the writer to conduct classroom action research aimed to improve students biology learning results in class XI by using worksheets based on Student Centered Learning are arranged in such a way as to meet the learning approach of science using step 5 M. This class action research procedure used two cycles, at the end of each cycle the students' daily tests are performed to see the increase in learning results that occur. After the cycle I action, the average student learning results were 71.47, and it increased in cycle II to 76.31, so it can be concluded that the use of Student Worksheets Based on Student Centered Learning can improve the biology learning results of the second year students of SMA Negeri 8 Pekanbaru.
PENDAHULUAN Pembelajaran pada kurikulum 2013 untuk semua jenjang dilaksanakan menggunakan pendekatan saintifik yaitu pendekatan pembelajaran yang berpusat pada peseta didik menekankan pada dimensi pedagogi modern dalam pembelajaran, yaitu menggunakan pendekatan ilmiah
Biology learning results of students in class XI have not shown optimal on material that discusses the physiological functions of human organs
From the observations obtained data that the teacher learning process using Student Worksheets prepared by the Subject Teachers' Consultation
1. Siklus 1 Pelaksanaan untuk siklus I dimulai tanggal 07 januari 2014 dengan pertemuan sebanyak 5 kali yakni 4 kali pertemuan untuk materi tatap muka dan satu kali untuk pelaksanaan tes siklus I. Data observasi yang diperoleh dari hasil tes belajar siklus I pada kelas XI IPA5 semester ganjil dengan tes tertulis melalui tes pilihan ganda berjumlah 30 soal. Hasil belajar yang diperoleh siswa pada siklus I yang diberikan oleh guru, adalah sebagai berikut: Tabel 1.
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