
<p>The sterile culture is very important in cryopreservation works. Bacterial-free explant sources are difficult to obtain during in<br />vitro culture of banana. Floral bud is expected as bacterial-free explant sources because the organ emerges above the ground<br />and protected by bracts. The purposes of this study are to obtain optimal concentration of BA to regenerate male bud floral<br />axis explants of Barangan variety and to prove that cultures derived from these explants were free from bacterial<br />contamination. Two-millimeter pieces of male bud floral axis of Barangan variety were planted on MS medium containing of 1<br />μM IAA, 200 g/l CH, and 2% sucrose. Experiment was arranged in Completely Randomized Design with the treatment of BA (5,<br />10, 15, 20, and 25 μM) in 10 replications. Subculture was conducted by using MS media containing of 10 μM BA and 1 μM IAA.<br />The variable observed were percentage of browning, number of nodules, number of shoots, number of normal shoots,<br />number of abnormal shoots, and number of nonsurvived shoots. The screening towards bacterial contamination was<br />conducted by using medium containing of 10 g/l trypton, 10 g/l glucose, and 5 g/l yeast extract. The results showed that the<br />explants could regenerate into shoots. The 25 μM BA was the best treatment because it could produce the highest number of<br />total and normal shoots, i.e. 9.2 shoots/explant and 6 shoots/explant, respectively. All of the shoots regenerated from male bud<br />floral axis were 100% free from bacterial contamination, whereas all of the shoots regenerated from suckers were<br />contaminated by bacteria.</p>

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