
The hydroponic system is a method of cultivating plants using mineral solutions in water without soil. This system is a solution for agricultural cultivation on narrow land. Hydroponic control is usually still done manually or conventionally. This research makes a system for remote hydroponic control for adding nutrient water through SIM800L communication. Control communication uses cell phones for controlling the water reservoir pump and checking parameters. The system uses SIM800L because GSM signal is almost reachable in all places. This control system uses Arduino UNO microcontroller. The parameters that are read in this hydroponic system include ambient temperature using a DHT 11 sensor, water level using an ultrasonic sensor, measuring nutrients with a TDS (Total Dissolve Solid) Meter sensor, measuring water pH using a pH Meter sensor, and water temperature using a DS18B20 sensor. This control system utilizes DTMF tones on cell phone voice calls, the tone will be sent to the DTMF module and then converted into binary data. In this control using tone numbers 1,2 and 3. Control using Telkomsel provider the average delay generated for controlling relay 1 is 1.58 seconds and SMS notification is 8.82 seconds. Relay 2 1.93 seconds to control the relay and SMS notification 7.07 seconds. For tone number 3 the delay is 22.64 for sending SMS. The results of sensor measurements are compared with measuring instruments to determine the linearity of measurements and look for erors. From the measurements obtained the lowest eror value in the measurement of water temperature with an eror of 3.67%.

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