
The state defense and security system require the availability of the main Defense and Security Equipment. Tools to maintain the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia supported by domestic industrial capabilities. The government has formulated a policy of compliance and modernization of defense and security equipment (Alpalhankam) called MEF or Minimum Essential Force. The limited capability of the domestic defense industry causes the results obtained from the MEF policy to be said to be far below the target. PT LEN as one of the Defense Industries plays a role in producing defense equipment, especially in supporting electronic components. This study aims to analyze the capabilities of PT LEN in developing defense technology in Indonesia. The research method used is a qualitative approach with source triangulation techniques (interviews, observations, FGDs and documentation studies). From the results of the analysis using 5M elements (man, material, machine, money & method) it was found that PT LEN has 5 capabilities needed by the defense industry in developing defense technology in Indonesia. HR capabilities are built in accordance with competency standards through training, certification, and scholarship programs up to The ability to produce defense products includes communication systems, command and control systems, sensor systems and training. Organizational capabilities are built according to GCG principles in order to achieve the company's vision and mission. Technological and infrastructure capabilities come from internal sources, namely the design, production and test facilities owned by PT Len, but it is also possible to use external technology cooperation with other companies or institutions. Funding capabilities come from internal company funding as well as R&D cooperation with other countries.

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