
Soybean pustule disease by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines (Xag) is one of the important diseases of soybean plant. Application Bacillus spp. origin of weed phyllosphere has a great potential as an alternative to control because it is isolated to origin of same region as Xag is the phyllosphere. Research by Nurcahyanti and Ayu obtained the best five isolates of Bacillus spp. of weeds phyllosphere in soybean cropping in inhibiting Xag in vitro. This study used the complete random draft (RAL) 6 treatment, 4 repeats, each unit consists of 4 plants wich treatment application of 5 isolates of Bacillus spp. namely K = control; A = Bacillus JG 1.3; B = Bacillus JG 3.6; C = Bacillus JG 1.4.1; D = Bacillus BGd 1.1; E = Bacillus Bp 2.2. The results showed that application of Bacillus spp. could inhibit Xag in vitro with bacteriostatic mechanism and isolates Bacillus BGd 1.1 has the greatest inhibition of 14.25 mm. Fifth Bacillus spp. can suppress the development of disease and isolates Bacillus BGd 1.1 has best results with the incubation period during 13 HSI, the severity of disease 10.07%, infection rate 0.045 unit/day as well as the effectiveness of control 85.72%. The fifth isolates of Bacillus spp. can not increase the number of leaves but can increase number of branches and isolates Bacillus JG 1.3, Bacillus JG 1.4.1 and Bacillus BGd 1.1 can increase the height of soybean crop.


  • Kedelai merupakan tanaman pangan sumber protein nabati tinggi

  • The results showed that application of Bacillus spp. could inhibit Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. glycines (Xag) in vitro with bacteriostatic mechanism and isolates Bacillus BGd 1.1 has the greatest inhibition of 14.25 mm

  • Formulasi padat rhizobakteria indigenus Bacillus thuringiensis TS2 dan waktu penyimpanan untuk mengendalikan penyakit pustul bakteri Xanthomonas axonopodis pv

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Alat dan Bahan

Alat yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu tabung reaksi, cawan petri, pinset, jarum ose, scalpel, mikro pipet, pipet tetes, tips, timbangan analitik, sendok plastik, vortex, bunsen, object glass, handsprayer, autoclave, erlenmeyer, Laminar Air Flow Cabinet (LAF), gelas ukur 500 ml, syringe 1 ml, wrap, korek api, inkubator, ependolf, L glass, kompor gas, panci, dan pipet tetes. Bahan yang dibutuhkan dalam penelitian ini antara lain Bacillus spp. asal filosfer gulma pertanaman kedelai dan isolat Xag (koleksi Dr Suhartiningsih Dwi Nurcahyanti, SP., M.Sc), tanah steril, kompos, kertas label, alumunium foil, larutan klorofom, alkohol 90%, medium YPGA (Yeast Peptone Glukose Agar), plastik, polibag ukuran (15 x 30) cm, air steril, WA (Water Agar), kapas steril, pepton 0,5%, pupuk Urea, SP-36, dan KCl serta benih kedelai varietas Anjasmoro

Metode Percobaan
Uji Gram
Uji Hipersensitif Daun Tembakau
Uji Patogenesitas
Penanaman dan Perawatan Kedelai
Inokulasi Xag
Karakteristik Bakteri Pustul Kedelai
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