
This study aims to determine the application of innovative technology, potential market opportunities and appropriate community empowerment models in the development of ginger cultivation business at Vista Agro Media. The study was conducted from January 2021 to July 2021 in Tlogoadi ,Mlati, Sleman Regency. The research method used is descriptive. The selection of locations and techniques for taking informants in the study was carried out purposively. Data collection techniques using triangulation and FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Data analysis was carried out by tabulating data based on the results of benchmarking, namely comparing aspects of cultivation innovation technology and aspects of potential market opportunities in similar businesses. The results of the analysis of the study show that (1) the application of innovation technology in Vista Agro Media that has been optimal in red ginger cultivation is the provision ofplastic uv or paranet and the provision of organic fertilizer in the form of rabbit urine and compost. (2) Potential and market opportunities at Vista Agro media are strategic locations, products offered are always available, low prices. (3) The empowerment model implemented to support the increase in red ginger production is to collaborate with the community and invite them to cultivate red ginger so that when harvested the results can be sold to Vista Agro Media and both parties can benefit from each other. The counseling activity carried out was how to seed red ginger in polybag media to KWT Umbulasri together. The results of the counseling showed that there was an increase in the knowledge aspect by 96%, then the attitude aspect by 98.66% and the skill aspect measured by direct practical observation and supported by the post test, by 98.66%. Keywords: technological aspect, benchmarking, red ginger plant, potential market opportunities.ABSTRAK: Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penerapan teknologi inovasi, potensi peluang pasar dan model pemberdayaan masyarakat yang tepat dalam pengembangan usaha budidaya tanaman jahe merah di Vista Agro Media. Kajian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari 2021 sampai dengan Juli 2021 di Tlogoadi, Mlati, Kabupaten Sleman. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif. Pemilihan lokasi dan teknik pengambilan informan dalam kajian dilakukan secara purposive. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan triangulasi dan FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara tabulasi data berdasarkan hasil benchmarking yaitu membandingkan aspek teknologi inovasi budidaya dan aspek potensi peluang pasar pada usaha yang sejenis. Hasil analisis kajian menunjukkan bahwa (1) penerapan teknologi di Vista Agro Media yang sudah optimal dalam budidaya jahe merah ialah pemakaian plastik uv atau paranet serta pemberian pupuk organik berupa urine kelinci dan kompos. (2) Potensi dan peluang pasar pada Vista Agro media ialah lokasi yang strategis, produk yang ditawarkan selalu tersedia, harga yang murah. (3) Model Pemberdayaan yang dilaksanakan guna mendukung peningkatan produksi jahe merah ialah menjalin kerja sama dengan masyarakat dan mengajak mereka membudidayakan jahe merah sehingga saat panen hasil dapat dijual pada Vista Agro Media dan kedua belah pihak dapat saling diuntungkan. Kegiatan penyuluhan yang dilakukan ialah cara pembibitan jahe merah pada media polybag kepada KWT Umbulasri secara bersama-sama. Hasil penyuluhan tersebut menunjukkan adanya peningkatan aspek pengetahuan sebesar 96%, lalu aspek sikap sebesar 98,66% dan aspek keterampilan diukur dengan pengamatan praktik secara langsung dan di dukung post-test yaitu 98,66%. Kata kunci: Aspek teknologi, benchmarking, potensi peluang pasar, tanaman jahe merah.

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