
The purpose of this study was to determine the validity, effectiveness, and practicality of the module based on intangible cultural heritage, batik, sub-theme of events filling independence for class V SDN Tagungguh 3, Tanjungbumi, Bangkalan. This study uses the Research and Development (R&D) method using the 4D development model (Define, design, development, disseminate). Limited trial activities used as many as 8 students as subjects, while implementation trials used as many as 29 students as subjects. Module validity was reviewed based on the results of expert validation, where there were 4 validators in this study, namely teaching material design experts, learning design experts, materials experts, and language experts. The validity of this module obtains a value of 90% with a very valid category. The effectiveness of the module is reviewed from the evaluation of student learning and is declared complete classically with a score of 89.65%, thus the module is declared valid. While the practicality of the module is seen from the student response questionnaire and the implementation of learning. The student response questionnaire obtained a score of 97.5% in the very good category, and learning implementation obtained a score of 96% in the implemented category, thus the module was declared practical.

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