
This study aims to develop teaching materials in the form of handouts based on Guided Note Taking on the system material of three-variable linear equations and to determine the quality of handouts in terms of validity and practicality. This research is a development research that refers to the 4D development model namely define, design, develop, disseminate. The subjects in this study were 2 teachers and 5 students of SMA Negeri 1 Buay Bahuga. The instruments used to measure the quality of the handouts developed included expert questionnaires, teacher and student response questionnaires. Expert questionnaires were used to measure the validity of the handouts, while teacher and student response questionnaires were used to measure the practicality of the handouts. The research product was a handout based on Guided Note Taking on the material of the system of linear equations of three variables for class X SMA. The results showed that from the aspect of validity it was included in the valid category with an average score of 75 based on the assessment of two expert lecturers (material, design and language experts); of the two teachers' responses with an average of 42.5 were in the good category and the student responses with an average of 41.8 were in the good category so that the practicality aspect was categorized as practical based on the results of the handout user's response. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the handout based on guidance notes on the material for the three-variable linear equation system developed is valid and can be used practically in learning.


  • Pendidikan bukan hanya sebagai sarana penyampai ilmu, namun pendidikan merupakan suatu proses pembentukan tingkah laku yang diinginkan oleh lingkungan

  • This study aims to develop teaching materials in the form of handouts based on Guided Note Taking on the system material of three-variable linear equations and to determine the quality of handouts in terms of validity and practicality

  • The results showed that from the aspect of validity it was included in the valid category with an average score of 75 based on the assessment of two expert lecturers (material, design and language experts); of the two teachers' responses with an average of 42.5 were in the good category and the student responses with an average of 41.8 were in the good category so that the practicality aspect was categorized as practical based on the results of the handout user's response

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Uji Validasi

Penilaian yang diberikan oleh para ahli berdasarkan skala jawaban yang ada pada lembar angket validasi yang sesuai dengan pendapat dan pengalaman keahlian masing-masing validator. Hasil penilaian kedua validator ini yang kemudian dianalisis dan digunakan untuk melihat tingkat kelayakan handout berbasis guided note taking. Berdasarkan hasil analisis uji validasi tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa handout berbasis guided note taking yang dikembangkan ini valid dan dikatakan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Validasi juga bertujuan untuk memperbaiki handout dengan menggunakan saran dan komentar dari validator. Beberapa komentar dan saran dari ahli disajikan dalam Tabel 4. Angket respon yang diberikan kepada guru dan siswa berisi 12 pernyataan tentang tanggapan mengenai handout berbasis guided note taking. Data respon pengguna handout diperoleh dari uji coba kelompok kecil disajikan pada Tabel 5 dan Tabel 6

E Learning pada Matakuliah
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