ABSTRAK Penelitian pengembangan ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan modul ajar terintegrasi green chemistry yang valid, praktis, dan efektif menggunakan ADDIE meliputi analysis, design, development, implementation, dan evaluation. Penelitian di laksanakan di SMAN 9 Makassar pada Oktober-November 2023. Data pada penelitian ini yaitu kevalidan oleh 2 dosen program studi pendidikan kimia dengan intrumen kevalidan yaitu lembar validasi. Kepraktisan oleh 24 peserta didik dan 2 guru kimia dengan instrumen kepraktisan yaitu lembar observasi keterlaksanaan pembelajaran modul ajar terintegrasi green chemistry, angket persepsi guru dan peserta didik serta keefektifan oleh 24 peserta didik yaitu tes kemampuan berpikir kritis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: kevalidan modul ajar yang telah dikembangkan sangat valid dengan rata-rata nilai sebesar 3,64 dengan konsistensi antar rater adalah 1,00. Kepraktisan modul ajar berdasarkan keterlaksanaan pembelajaran, persepsi guru dan peserta didik dengan rata-rata persentase kepraktisan berturut-turut sebesar 97,05%; 88,18% dan 94,79% pada kategori masing-masing sangat praktis. Keefektifan modul ajar berdasarkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik kelas XI Kimia 2 SMAN 9 Makassar sebesar 84,51% dan telah memenuhi kriteria sangat efektif. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh yaitu modul ajar terintegrasi green chemistry yang dikembangkan telah memenuhi kriteria valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran. ABSTRACT This development research aims to produce a valid, practical, and effective green chemistry integrated teaching module using ADDIE including analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The research was conducted at SMAN 9 Makassar in October-November 2023. The data in this study are validity by 2 lecturers of the chemistry education study program with validity instruments, namely validation sheets. Practicality by 24 students and 2 chemistry teachers with practicality instruments, namely observation sheets for the implementation of green chemistry integrated teaching module learning, teacher and student perception questionnaires and effectiveness by 24 students, namely critical thinking ability tests. The results of this study are: the validity of the teaching module that has been developed is very valid with an average score of 3.64 with inter-rater consistency of 1.00. The practicality of the teaching module based on the implementation of learning, teacher and student perceptions with an average percentage of practicality of 97.05%; 88.18% and 94.79% in the category of very practical respectively. The effectiveness of teaching modules based on the critical thinking skills of students in class XI Kimia 2 SMAN 9 Makassar amounted to 84.51% and met the criteria of being very effective. The conclusion obtained is that the green chemistry integrated teaching module developed has met the criteria of valid, practical, and effective for use in learning.
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