
This development research aims to develop smart cabinet media in the reading ability of third grade elementary school students and to determine the feasibility of smart cabinet media in reading skills third grade elementary school students. The research method used is the Research and Development (R&D) method. The Research and Development (R&D) method is a research method used in research to produce certain products and test the effectiveness of the product. This R&D Research produce a product in the form of smart cabinet learning media in the reading ability of class III students. The research design used refers to the research steps and developments that have been developed by Sugiyono are problem analysis, data collection, product design, validation of expert test designs, product revisions, and product trials (limited trials). Data collection techniques were carried out by questionnaires, observations and documentation. To test the feasibility of this learning media, an expert validation trial was conducted. Expert validation was carried out by media experts, linguists, and material experts as well as learning observations in elementary school with the research subject being 10 third grade students at SDN Gabus 3. From the data obtained, this smart cabinet media got an average expert validation score of 94% so it got the "very decent" category and got an average score of 93.6% from the student response questionnaire data and was included in the "very good" category. So it can be concluded that this smart wardrobe learning media is feasible to use.

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