The purpose of this study was to determine the level of success of the product that has been developed in the form of learning media for self-defense activities through audio-visual for grade VII junior high school students. This research is a development research (R&D). This research procedure is carried out through the potential and problem stages, data collection, making initial product designs, validation of media experts and material experts. Furthermore, the product was tested on students and physical education teachers through small group trials, revisions, large group trials, and product revisions. The subject of the product trial was class VII SMP N 4 Wadaslintang. The test subjects were large groups of seventh grade students at MTS Kaligowong, and Islamic Middle School Wadaslintang. The results of material expert validation from the aspect of learning quality got a score of 21 "very good" categories, the content aspect got a score of 26 "very good" categories. Media expert validation data from the display aspect got a score of 33 categories of "very good" then the programming aspect got a score of 27 categories of "very good". Product trials by physical education experts from the aspect of material presentation got an average score of 25.5 in the "very good" category, and the media quality aspect got an average score of 15 in the "very good" category. The results of the trial use by students in the learning aspect mean a score of 10.6 in the "very good" category, the material aspect with an average score of 20.26 in the "very good" category, and the media aspect with an average score of 13.38 in the "very good" category. Based on the results of the research obtained, it can be concluded that the product of learning media for self-defense activities developed is suitable for use in the physical education learning process for class VII SMP.
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