
This research aims to develop the student activity sheet material broad flat wake discovery based learning methods for secondary school students are valid and practical and how the potential effect of the use of student activity sheet based discovery learning method for junior high school students. The method used is a method of research and development (development research). Stages of development research done of the preliminary phase which includes the analysis and prototyping stage (designing) and evalution formative stages which include self evalution, expert reviews, one to one, small group, and a field test. Based on the results of the analysis of the product, obtained LKS discovery based learning methods are valid and praktis.Valid seen from the results of expert assessment is based on content, construct, and languages. Practical seen from the observations of the trial small group where students can complete a given student activity sheet. Based on the results and final grades on students' ability test VII.1 SMP Negeri 3 Palembang done individually than 35 students that there were 15 (42.85%) of students categorized as very good and 20 (57.14%) students including both categories. Overall average grade student ability VII.1 is 78.85 which means that the learning outcomes of students belonging to either category. Based on the analysis of student learning outcomes, it can be concluded that student activity sheets that have been developed have potentKeywords: discovery learning method, research development, student’s’ worksheet (LKS)This research aims to develop the student activity sheet material broad flat wake discovery based learning methods for secondary school students are valid and practical and how the potential effect of the use of student activity sheet based discovery learning method for junior high school students. The method used is a method of research and development (development research). Stages of development research done of the preliminary phase which includes the analysis and prototyping stage (designing) and evalution formative stages which include self evalution, expert reviews, one to one, small group, and a field test. Based on the results of the analysis of the product, obtained LKS discovery based learning methods are valid and praktis.Valid seen from the results of expert assessment is based on content, construct, and languages. Practical seen from the observations of the trial small group where students can complete a given student activity sheet. Based on the results and final grades on students' ability test VII.1 SMP Negeri 3 Palembang done individually than 35 students that there were 15 (42.85%) of students categorized as very good and 20 (57.14%) students including both categories. Overall average grade student ability VII.1 is 78.85 which means that the learning outcomes of students belonging to either category. Based on the analysis of student learning outcomes, it can be concluded that student activity sheets that have been developed have potent Keywords: discovery learning method, research development, student’s’ worksheet (LKS)


  • PENDAHULUAN Kurikulum 2013 mempunyai tujuan untuk mendorong peserta didik atau siswa mampu lebih baik melakukan observasi, bertanya, bernalar, dan mengkomunikasikan apa yang

  • SMP Negeri 3 Palembang done individually than 35 students that there were 15 (42.85%) of students categorized as very good and 20 (57.14%) students including both categories

  • Berdasarkan hasil analisis hasil belajar siswa tersebut, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa lembar kegiatan siswa yang telah dikembangkan memiliki efek potensial

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Keberhasilan kurikulum

2013 tidak terlepas dari peran guru dalam proses pembelajaran. Peranan guru yang dimaksud antara lain guru dapat memilih metode/strategi pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kondisi dan materi yang ada. Salah satu bahan ajar yang dapat digunakan oleh guru dalam proses pembelajaran adalah Lembar. Dalam penelitian ini bahan ajar yang dimaksud yaitu lembar kegiatan siswa (LKS). Ini akan mengakibatkan siswa kurang aktif dalam pembelajaran, siswa pada umumnya hanya akan menghafal atau mengingat rumus dan materi yang ada. Perlu adanya pengembangan lembar kegiatan siswa yang dapat melatih siswa bekerja secara mandiri sehingga siswa memiliki kemampuan untuk menemukan konsep dan lebih aktif dalam proses pembelajaran dengan diterapkannya metode yang dapat mendukung tujuan tersebut. Artinya metode ini dapat membuat siswa berfikir kreatif dan mandiri karena diajak untuk menemukan dan mencari tahu sendiri rumus atau konsep yang akan dipelajari. Metode pembelajaran discovery ini sesuai dengan tujuan kurikulum 2013 yang menyarankan agar peserta didik belajar secara aktif dan mandiri dalam kegiatan pembelajaran. Tugas-tugas yang diberikan kepada siswa dapat berupa tugas teori dan atau tugas praktik

Pembelajaran Discovery
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada semester genap tahun ajaran
Hasil Penelitian
Kegiatan Analisis
Peneliti melakukan analisis
Pada tahap ini lembar kegiatan siswa disusun berdasarkan indikator yang akan
Setelah diperoleh prototype
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