
A long series of earthquakes that lasted for almost a month with the biggest shock reaching 7 SR completely destroyed most of the houses in parts of Lombok and Sumbawa. Many residents were forced to evacuate because their homes entirely devastated. Some residents have returned to their homes, but many also have no place to return. So they need temporary shelter while rebuilding their houses gradually. There are many choices of designs that have been developed before. However, designing a temporary shelter that is truly in accordance with the needs of the community at the disaster site requires a comprehensive understanding of the local human characteristics and nature as well as the local environment. Including things that must be considered is the impact on the environment if the design involves locally available nature material. The design concept was based on the concept of a barn house with bamboo and spandex-plywood materials. The first concept is a bamboo barn shelter which adopts a traditional Lombok house with woven bamboo walls. The second concept is also based on traditional Lombok houses, but uses a different material which is spandek as the dominant material for the roof and plywood as the walls and doors. Both temporary shelter concepts have been successfully designed, built and applied.

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