
The Development of Lok Baintan Village by Utilizing Ilung Waste into Paper
 Lok Baintan Village is a tourism icon of Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, through the floating market, but it is classified as a disadvantaged village. The use of Kelotok (traditional boat) is the favorite choice of both local and foreign tourists. However, the trip is disturbed considering the amount of water hyacinth, local people call it as “ilung”, waste around the Martapura River. Ilung is a weed plant that grows very fast. The aim of this community service was to overcome the problem by training the community in Lok Baintan to produce a selling product, such as paper, from water hyacinth. The method used in this program was participatory communication. All parties were invited to participate in the communication process to decision making through dialogue, mentoring, and empowerment that were designed together and were sustainable. As a result, the Lok Baintan people had an improved-knowledge and a new skill. The products of this community service were paper, envelope and paper bag.


  • it is classified as a disadvantaged village

  • the trip is disturbed considering the amount of water hyacinth

  • The aim of this community service was to overcome the problem by training the community in Lok Baintan to produce a selling product

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Info Artikel

Lok Baintan adalah desa tertinggal yang merupakan ikon wisata di Banjarmasin, Kalimantan Selatan, melalui pasar terapungnya. Penggunaan Kelotok (perahu tradisional) adalah primadona wisatawan lokal dan asing. Perjalanan itu terganggu mengingat jumlah eceng gondok yang begitu banyak di sepanjang sungai Martapura. Masyarakat setempat mengenal eceng gondok dengan sebutan "ilung". Ilung adalah tanaman gulma yang tumbuh sangat cepat. Tujuan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah untuk mengatasi maraknya ilung melalui pelatihan masyarakat di Desa Lok Baintan untuk menghasilkan produk yang layak dijual yakni menjadi kertas. Metode yang digunakan dalam program ini adalah komunikasi partisipatif. Semua pihak diundang untuk berpartisipasi dalam proses komunikasi untuk pengambilan keputusan melalui dialog, pendampingan, dan pemberdayaan yang dirancang bersama dan berkelanjutan. Masyarakat memiliki peningkatan pengetahuan dan keterampilan baru. Produk dari kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah kertas, amplop dan tas kertas

Anggota Yang Terlibat
Karang Taruna
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