
The purpose of this study was to develop modern short story learning media to stimulate character education and writing skills for class XI students of SMAN Bareng Jombang. The development of modern short stories is based on the learning media that is used when the learning takes place, it seems that it is only lectures and does not use the latest learning media, so that teaching and learning looks boring. Students have difficulty understanding learning material.The method used in the development consists of five stages, namely: 1) data collection research (research and information collecting), 2) planning (planning), 3) initial product development (develop preliminary from product), 4) product development validation, 5) field testing (preliminary field testing), 6) revising the final product (Main product revision). The learning media developed were validated by media experts and linguists to find out the feasibility level of the learning media developed for learning Indonesian.The results of the research on the development of modern short stories to stimulate character education and writing skills for SMAN Bareng Jombang students got scores for the language validation results test, getting an average score of 4 which is in the good category. From the values ​​obtained according to the assessment criteria by the validator, it was stated that the teaching materials developed were included in the good criteria and deserved to be tested.

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