
Good postharvest handling must be done to get high-quality cocoa beans. This study aims to determine the effect and relationship of cocoa pod ripening time, aeration and fermentor temperature during fermentation on the pH and fermentation index, and to know the value of other quality parameters of cocoa beans, such as water content, ash content, protein content, fat content, carbohydrate content, color chroma, and hue. The results of the RSM analysis also showed that the cacao pod ripening time, aeration rate and fermenter temperature had different effects on the fermentation index and pH of the cocoa beans produced, which was indicated by the R² value for each parameter, 74.7% for the index fermentation and 56.5% for the pH of the cocoa beans. Based on the fermentation index value and the pH of the cocoa beans obtained, it was found that the ripening of the cocoa pods, aeration and the temperature of the fermentor provided were able to produce good quality fermented cocoa beans. The quality values of cocoa beans obtained include: fermentation index ≥ 1, pH of cocoa beans from 4.97 to 6.31, moisture content of 6.5 - 7.8%, ash content of 3.21 - 4.12%, chroma color value 16.50 - 25.28, hue color values 30.01 - 51.73, fat content 20.91 - 47.19%, protein content 10.45 - 16.47% and carbohydrate content 29.81-57.70 %.


  • Pascapanen biji kakao merupakan serangkaian penanganan buah kakao setelah panen hingga dihasilkan biji kakao kering yang siap diolah menjadi berbagai produk

  • Fast and neat Determination of biochemical quality parameters in cocoa using near infrared spectroscopy

  • Investigation of chocolate produced from four different Brazilian varieties of cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) inoculated with Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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Alat dan Bahan

Bahan penelitian yang digunakan terdiri atas bahan baku dan bahan analisis. Bahan baku yang digunakan adalah buah kakao siap panen, yang diperoleh dari perkebunan rakyat Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Bahan analisis yang digunakan antara lain: akuades, metanol, HCl, kertas saring dan bahanbahan lainnya yang digunakan untuk analisis lemak, protein, dan warna. Adapun peralatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah seperangkat fermentor packed bed, pengering kabinet, pH meter, spectrophotometer LW Scientific model UV-200-RS, blender, timbangan analitik, oven, pisau, tanur, color meter LM 135A, serangkaian peralatan uji kadar lemak, serangkaian peralatan uji kadar protein dan beberapa alat pendukung lainnya

Prosedur Penelitian
Penentuan Nilai Parameter Kualitas Fermentasi Biji Kakao
Analisis Data
Batasan dan Level
Std Order
Adj MS
Source Regression Linear Square Interaction Residual Error
Kualitas biji kakao kering fermentasi
Indeks fermentasi
Hasil Penelitian
Characteristics of Dried Cocoa
Science and Technology
Growth On Fermentation Of Aceh
Article Structure
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