Hypercholesterolemia is still be the biggest risk factor for cardiovascular disease. This study aims to explore the potential of purple passion fruit juice as an antihypercholesterolemic agent, as well as the effective dose in improving lipid profile. A total of 30 male Wistar rats aged 8-12 weeks weighing 180-220g, were randomly divided into 5 groups: K1 (normal control), K2 (hypercholesterolemic control), K3 (treatment with purple passion juice 1.1 mL/200gBW, K4 (treatment with purple passion juice 2.1 mL/200gBW), and K5 (treatment with purple passion juice 4.2 mL/200gBW). Induction of hypercholesterolemia with lard 3 mL/200gBW/day and duck egg yolk 2 mL/200gBW/day for 10 days, and treatment for 14 days by oral gavage. Parameter of lipid profile, namely total cholesterol, LDL, HDL and triglycerides were analyzed before and after treatment with enzymatic-photometric method. Total cholesterol and HDL were measured by CHOD-PAP method, triglyceride levels with GPO-PAP method, while LDL is calculated by the Friedewald formula. Results: The provision of various dose of purple passion juice can improves lipid profile, where dose of 4.2 ml/200gBB/day can significantly lower total cholesterol levels (89.62 ± 15.24 mg/dL to 58.63 ± 12.86 mg/dL, p = 0.034) and LDL (40, 03 ± 9.53 mg/dL to 13.28 ± 3.77 mg/dL, p = 0.000). Conclusion: The purple passion juice may improves blood lipid profiles, with an effective dose of 4.2 mL/200 gBW/day. Hiperkolesterolemia hingga saat ini masih menjadi faktor resiko terbesar penyakit kardiovaskuler. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi potensi sari buah markisa ungu sebagai agen antihiperkolesterolemia, serta dosis efektifnya dalam memperbaiki profil lipid darah. Sebanyak 30 ekor tikus jantan Wistar berusia 8-12 minggu dengan berat badan 180-220 g, dibagi 5 kelompok secara acak: K1 (kontrol normal), K2 (kontrol hiperkolesterolemia), K3 (perlakuan markisa ungu dosis 1,1 ml/200gBB), K4 (perlakuan markisa ungu dosis 2,1 ml/200gBB), dan K5 (perlakuan markisa ungu dosis 4,2 ml/200gBB). Induksi hiperkolesterolemia dengan minyak babi 3 mL/200gBB/hari dan kuning telur bebek 2 mL/200gBB/hari selama 10 hari, dan perlakuan selama 14 hari melalui sonde lambung. Parameter profil lipid yaitu kolesterol total, LDL, HDL dan trigliserida dianalisis sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan dengan metode enzymatic-photometric . Kadar kolesterol total dan HDL diukur dengan metode CHOD-PAP, kadar trigliserida dengan metode GPO-PAP, sedangkan LDL dihitung dengan formula Friedewald. Hasil: pemberian perlakuan sari markisa ungu berbagai kelompok dosis dapat memperbaiki profil lipid darah, dimana dosis 4,2 ml/200gBB/hari secara signifikan dapat menurunkan kadar kolesterol total (89,62±15,24 mg/dL menjadi 58,63±12,86 mg/dL, p=0,034) dan LDL (40,03±9,53 mg/dL menjadi 13,28±3,77 mg/dL, p=0,000). Kesimpulan: Markisa ungu dapat memperbaiki profil lipid darah, dengan dosis efektif 4,2 ml/200 gBB/hari.
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