
Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) Diaphorina citri Kuwayama is a serious problem in citrus because it transmits huanglongbing (HLB) disease. Agricultural practices without paying attention to the agroecosystem complexity often cause the agroecosystem more suitable for insect pests proliferation and less friendly to natural enemies. The research aims to study the effectiveness of agroecosystem management compared to conventional farming in the ACP control. The effects of both treatments on the diversity and abundance of ACP’s natural enemies as well as the incidence and severity of HLB were also studied. Agroecosystem management consists of preventive and responsive actions. Preventive action was carried out through a polyculture system, planting refugia and legume cover crop, providing beetle banks, applying lime, applying organic and inorganic fertilizers, citrus pruning intensively, maintaining drainage ditches, and mechanical weed control. Responsive action is short-term control when the abundance of ACP reaches the action threshold. Responsive action was carried out through biological or chemical control. Meanwhile, conventional farming is a series of conventional farming and pest control techniques commonly applied by farmers. Each treatment was applied in three orchards of Siam Orange cv. Pontianak Citrus nobilis Lour var. microcarpa Hassk. The results showed that agroecosystem management was more effective in controlling the ACP population so that its abundance was lower and less fluctuated than conventional farming. ACP’s natural enemies in agroecosystem management were also more diverse than conventional farming. The abundance of ACP’s natural enemies and the incidence and severity of HLB in the two treatments were not significantly different.


  • Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) Diaphorina citri Kuwayama is a serious problem in citrus because it transmits huanglongbing (HLB) disease

  • The research aims to study the effectiveness of agroecosystem management compared to conventional farming in the ACP control

  • Conventional farming is a series of conventional farming and pest control techniques commonly applied by farmers

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Lokasi penelitian Penelitian dimulai dari bulan Desember 2019 hingga Mei 2020 di Desa Serumpun Buluh dan Desa Pangkalan Kongsi, Kecamatan Tebas, Kabupaten Sambas. Enam kebun jeruk tempat penelitian ini dilaksanakan adalah milik petani dengan populasi jeruk di setiap kebun bervariasi mulai dari 103 hingga 132 pohon dengan luas 1.539–2.018 m2. Rerata curah hujan pada enam kebun penelitian adalah 48 mm/minggu dengan curah hujan minimum dan maksimum masing-masing 0 dan 121 mm/ minggu. Berdasarkan data BMKG (2020), rerata suhu udara di Kabupaten Sambas selama penelitian berkisar 24,0–29,3 °C dengan suhu minimum 21,0–25,2 °C dan maksimum 25,8– 34,4 °C. Rerata kelembapan nisbi harian di Kabupaten Sambas selama penelitian adalah 89,2% dengan kelembapan nisbi minimum dan maksimum masing-masing 79% dan 99%. Setiap perlakuan diterapkan pada tiga kebun jeruk yang berbeda sehingga secara keseluruhan penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada enam kebun. Ketiga kebun pada masing-masing perlakuan mewakili lingkungan yang berbeda, yaitu kebun

Teknik budi daya
Pengendalian hama
Karakteristik fisik
Pengamatan keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan artropoda musuh alami
Pengelolaan Pertanian agroekosistem konvensional
Selama periode pertunasan
Rerata seluruh
Kelimpahan nimfa KLJ per pohon
Keanekaragaman dan kelimpahan artropoda musuh alami KLJ
Skor intensitas HLB Sebelum perlakuan Setelah perlakuan
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