
Today, information systems in business even more important than a few years ago. Information technology (IT) innovations and global business environment makes the role of IT in information systems more dominant. That role of IT can enhance human resources role compete globally. Higher education institutions as places for develop human resources is required to optimize in formation systems performance. This research identified two antecedents of information systems performance. There are user participation and task uncertainty. Besides that, this research considere size of organization as moderating variable. We separate size become two proxies. University as represent high size complexity and non university as represent as low size complexity. The purpose of this research is to analyze user participation and task uncertainty as antecedents of information systems performance and consider size of organization, higher education institutions. Samples are several higher education institutions in Jogjakarta province. In general the result partially supported the hypothesis that user participation and task uncertainty are predictor of information systems performance and size of organization is considered as moderating variable partially


  • Today, information systems in business even more important than a few years ago

  • global business environment makes the role of Information technology (IT) in information systems more dominant. That role

  • non university as represent as low size complexity

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Landasan Teori dan Pengembangan Hipotesis

Keterlibatan atau partisipasi pemakai dalam perencanaan sistem merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kinerja pemakai. (Restuningdiah dan Indriantoro, 1999). Apabila pemakai merasa turut berpartisipasi di dalamnya akan dapat mendorong kinerja sistem informasi secara lebih baik. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, peneliti merumuskan hipotesis penelitian sebagai berikut: H1: Partisipasi pemakai sistem informasi berpengaruh positif pada kinerja sistem informasi. Sebaliknya, semakin rendah derajat ketidakpastian tugas seseorang maka akan semakin mudah dalam melaksanakan aktivitas dan semakin mudah meningkatkan kinerja mereka. Untuk tugas-tugas yang membingungkan (ambiguous) dan tidak terstruktur menyebabkan para pemakai atau karyawan tidak dapat bekerja secara optimal sehingga kinerja sistem informasi mereka akan terganggu. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, peneliti merumuskan hipotesis penelitian sebagai berikut: H2 : Ketidakpastian tugas dalam penggunaan sistem informasi berpengaruh negatif pada kinerja sistem informasi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, peneliti merumuskan hipotesis penelitian sebagai berikut : H3 : Ukuran organisasi memoderasi pengaruh partisipasi pemakai terhadap kinerja sistem informasi. H4 : Ukuran organisasi memoderasi pengaruh ketidakpastian tugas terhadap kinerja sistem informasi

Metode Penelitian
Sekolah Tinggi
No Butir
No butir
Validitas Instrumen Kinerja Sistem
Hasil dan Pembahasan
Ukuran organisasi
Keterbatasan dan Saran
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