
Regional government expenditure is reflected in regional expenditure. Regional spending allocations must be adjusted to clear development goals. In 2022, East Java Province recorded revenue realization of 107.4%, while regional expenditure realization was 92.47%. Regional expenditure is influenced by several factors that need to be known in order to allocate it according to targets. Therefore, the aim of this research is to see the influence of PAD, balancing funds, and population on regional expenditure in East Java Province in 2008-2022 using multiple linier regression analysis method. So it is known that the variables PAD, balancing funds, and population during simultaneous testing have a significant effect on regional spending. Meanwhile, partially the two variables, namely PAD and balancing funds, are positively related and have a significant influence, but the population variable does not have a significant influence on regional expenditure. So it would be better for the East Java Provincial government to intensify regional expenditure allocations to support public services for the sake of realizing community welfare.

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