
The unrest that found a lack of self-confidence of the students to follow the activity of active learning and the arrest of the material of the background in this research. Learning with conditions that are less conducive give an impact to the students lack of active in participating in learning activities. The purpose of the holding of this study was to determine how reality activities student learning by using a model approach to learning Brain Based Learning, as well as how reality activities learning activities of students using conventional learning models as well as the influence of learning model Brain Based Learning activities the learning activities of students in class VII Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Manar Kab. Semarang. Research methods the method used in this research is Quasi Experiment. Model pembelajaran Brain Based Learning is a learning model that align learning in accordance with the performance of the brain students. Based on the results of the study revealed that the activities of learning activities of students of Madrasah Tsanawiyah Al-Manar Kab. Semarang. by using the learning model Brain Based Learning in the experimental class can be said to be high, it is obtained from the results of the activities of the learning activities of students by of 3.71. While in the learning activities of students in the control class is said to be, it is obtained from the results of the activities of the learning activities of students by 2,93. Sedangkang the influence is in accordance with the results of the calculation of N-gain is equal to 0.58, figures scale can be categorized in the category of being where the influence of the learning model Brain Based Learning activities the learning activities students have the influence of the medium.

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