
Immunizations sometimes have side effects once they are given to babies. DPT immunization is one that has a low-grade fever side effect and sometimes results in high fever and seizures. One of the efforts to treat fever in infants is the kangaroo method. Through this method, heat transfer occurs between mother and baby, increasing the frequency of breastfeeding which can meet the fluid needs of the feverish baby and facilitate the baby in increasing the duration of quiet sleep, less crying and less activity. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the kangaroo method on decreasing body temperature, feeding frequency and infant sleep duration. Sampling using Porbability Sampling with Simple Random Sampling technique, totaling 30 people and divided into 2 groups of 15 people each, namely the experimental and control groups. The results of the analysis are based on several assumptions of One way MANOVA, namely there is linearity between variables, the data is normally distributed, multicollinearity is not detected and the covariance matrix between groups is assumed to be the same as the Box'M value p = 0.006 > 0.001. The results of the multivariate test showed that there was a significant difference between the two groups with a value of F (3.26) = 49.334, p< 0.001; Wilk’s ʌ 0.149, ƞp2 = 0.851, then the univariate results showed that group differences caused significant differences in body temperature, feeding frequency and sleep duration with p < 0.001. The results of the bonferroni correction further test showed that the average decrease in body temperature, feeding frequency and duration of infant sleep in the experimental group was better than the control group with p < 0.001. This study proves that the kangaroo method has an effect on decreasing body temperature, breastfeeding frequency and infant sleep duration after DPT immunization.


  • Immunizations sometimes have side effects once they are given to babies

  • This study proves that the kangaroo method has an effect on decreasing body temperature, breastfeeding frequency and infant sleep duration after DPT immunization

  • Analisis Multivariate Terapan, Edisi Kedua, UPP STIM YKPN: Yogyakarta. 2015

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Imunisasi merupakan upaya yang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan imunitas didalam tubuh seseorang [1]. Imunitas anak dapat terbentuk sehingga angka morbiditas anak yang terpapar penyakit yang dapat mengganggu tumbuh kembang anak semakin menurun [2] Imunisasi terkadang memberikan efek samping setelah diberikan kepada anak. 127-133 luas untuk mengendalikan demam, peradangan dan nyeri dalam derajat ringan antara lain asetaminofen, aspirin serta obat anti-inflamatorik nonsteroid lainnya[4,5] namun pemberian pereda nyeri secara farmakologis juga terkadang memberikan efek samping dan menimbulkan ketidaknyamanan pada pasien [6]. Melalui metode kangguru akan terjadi perpindahan panas antara ibu dan bayinya. Perawatan metode kangguru juga efektif dalam meningkatkan frekuensi menyusu bayi sehingga dapat memberikan kecukupan cairan pada bayi yang mengalami demam. Efek dari metode kangguru dapat memfasilitasi bayi dalam meningkatkan frekuensi dan durasi tidur yang tenang, sedikit waktu menangis dan tingkat aktivitas yang lebih rendah. Selama perawatan metode kangguru menunjukkan hasil yang lebih maksimal sesuai dengan kebutuhan tidurnya [11]

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