This research aims to determine the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction of Betun Mandiri Express (BME) Car Travel. The independent variable in this study is the dimension of service quality consisting of physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, while the dependent variable is customer satisfaction. The number of samples is 99 respondents who ever using BME Car Travel services more than twice. Samples were gained using accidental sampling technique. Data were collected using questionnaires, interviews, observations, and literature studies. Data analysis techniques used are quantitative descriptive, multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing using the Software SPSS 24. Descriptive Analysis's results show that overall, the respondents gave a categorized perception assessment both for the five dimensions of Service Quality and Satisfaction of using BME Travel. From the results of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis found the mathematical equation: Y = 2.537 + 0.174X1 + 0.158 X2 + 0.185 X3 + 0.146 X4 + 0.196 X5.Both the F Test and t Test results show that simultaneously and partially the five dimensions of Service Quality have a significant effect on customer satisfaction. However, based on the value of Adjusted R2 shows the contribution of the variable Service Quality to Customer Satisfaction is only 32.2%. While 67.8% is influenced by other variables outside the focus of this study. These variables are price and promotion which can be considered for further researchers besides service quality.
 Keywords: Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy and Customer Satisfaction
PENDAHULUAN Transportasi sangat penting peranannya bagi daerah baik itu pedesaan atau daerah perkotaan, karena transportasi menyediakan akses bagi masyarakat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan barang dan jasa sehari – hari, serta meningkatkan kehidupan sosial ekonomi
This research aims to determine the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction of Betun Mandiri Express (BME) Car Travel
The independent variable in this study is the dimension of service quality consisting of physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, while the dependent variable is customer satisfaction
Data yang digunakan sebagai model regresi berganda dalam menguji hipotesis haruslah menghindari kemungkinan terjadinya penyimpangan asumsi klasik. Dari nilai Devation From Linearity dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan yang linear secara signifikan antara variabel bebas dan variabel terikat. Hasil uji multikolinearitas menunjukan nilai VIF variabel bukti fisik sebesar 1,192 < 10 dan nilai toleransi sebesar 0,839 > 0,1, pada variabel reliabilitas sebesar 1,301 < 10 dan nilai toleransi sebesar 0,769 > 0,1, untuk variabel daya tanggap sebesar 1,156 < 10 dan nilai toleransi sebesar 0,865 > 0,1, kemudian untuk variabel jaminan sebesar 1,053 < 10 dan nilai toleransi sebesar 0,950 > 0,1, sedangakan untuk variabel empati sebesar 1,326 < 10 dan nilai toleransi sebesar 0,754 > 0,1. Dari hasil uji menunjukan penyebaran residual tidak teratur.Hal tersebut dapat dilihat pada scatterplot yang terpencar dan tidak terbentuk pola tertentu.Maka dapat disimpulkan tidak terjadi masalah heterokedastisitas sehingga persamaan regresi memenuhi asumsi heterokedastisitas
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