
This study aims to find out and analyze 1) Perception of customers on the price, quality of service and customer satisfaction of GrabBike online transportation services in Kupang City; 2) impact of Price partially on Customer Satisfaction of GrabBike online transportation service in Kupang City; 3) The partial effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction of GrabBike online transportation services in Kupang City; 4) The effect of Price and Quality of Service simultaneously on the Customer Satisfaction of GrabBike online transportation service customers in Kupang City. The number of samples in this study as many as 100 respondents obtained using accidental sampling techniques. The data was collected using questionnaires, interviews, and literature study. The data analysis techniques used are quantitative descriptive, multiple linear regression analysis and hypothesis testing using SPSS 16 applications. From the results of the analysis showed that: 1) Based on the results of descriptive table analysis respondents gave a very high categorized assessment of the three variables studied; 2) The price partially affects the customer satisfaction of GrabBike Kupang City; 3) the quality of service partially affects the customer satisfaction of GrabBike Kupang City; 4) The price and quality of service simultaneously have a significant impact on the customer satisfaction of GrabBike Kupang City. Based on Adjusted R2 value shows variable contribution of Price and Service Quality to Customer Satisfaction of 57.8%. While 42.2% were influenced by other variables outside the focus of this study. 
 Keywords: Price, Quality of Service and Customer Satisfaction


  • PENDAHULUAN Jasa merupakan suatu aktivitas yang memberikan pelayanan dan manfaat oleh penyedia jasa kepada pelanggan dan tidak menghasilkan suatu kepemilikan

  • This study aims to find out and analyze 1) Perception of customers on the price, quality of service and customer satisfaction of GrabBike online transportation services in Kupang City; 2) impact of Price partially on Customer Satisfaction of GrabBike online transportation service in Kupang City; 3) The partial effect of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction of GrabBike online transportation services in Kupang City; 4) The effect of Price and Quality of Service simultaneously on the Customer Satisfaction of GrabBike online transportation service customers in Kupang City

  • From the results of the analysis showed that: 1) Based on the results of descriptive table analysis respondents gave a very high categorized assessment of the three variables studied; 2) The price partially affects the customer satisfaction of GrabBike Kupang City; 3) the quality of service partially affects the customer satisfaction of GrabBike Kupang City; 4) The price and quality of service simultaneously have a significant impact on the customer satisfaction of GrabBike Kupang City

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Definisi Harga Harga merupakan sejumlah uang yang dibebankan atas suatu produk atau jasa, atau jumlah dari nilai yang ditukar konsumen atas manfaat-manfaat karena memiliki atau menggunakan produk atau jasa tersebut (Kotler dan Amstrong 2010:314). Hubungan antara harga dengan kepuasan juga dibuktikan lewat penelitian Mar’ati (2016), yang menunjukkan bahwa secara parsial harga memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan jasa transportasi OL Gojek di Surabaya. Harga merupakan salah faktor pendorong bagi pelanggan untuk dapat membeli dan menggunakan jasa, sedangkan kualitas dalam memberikan pelayanan juga sangat berpengaruh dalam proses keputusan pembelian pelanggan, jika pelanggan merasa puas dengan pelayanan yang diberikan maka pelanggan akan kembali menggunakan jasa tersebut. 3. Studi Keputusan Peneliti melakukan studi keputusan dengan cara menganalisis berbagai literature yang ada seperti buku, skripsi dan jurnal yang berkaitan dengan pengaruh harga, kualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan, dan juga peneliti menggunakan referensi dari penjelajahan internet seperti artikel yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini. Maka dapat disimpulkan tidak terjadi masalah heterokedastisitas sehingga persamaan regresi memenuhi asumsi heterokedasitas

Model Harga Kualitas Pelayanan
Adjusted R Square
Nilai F Tabel
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